October 2 - October 31


Our goal for the 2023/2024 School year is to raise $40,000


We hope to achieve 100% participation from all Darby families. During the Darby Dolphin Drive, we ask our Darby families for financial assistance to support our school and help fund the equipment, programs and services that immensely enrich our children’s educational experience.

100% of your donation will go towards these efforts.


Please donate any amount you can, but we are asking $100 per student to reach our goal and allow us to provide our students everything they need for an amazing school year!

Share the link with family, friends and community members and ask them to support our fundraiser.

**The Drive happens in October but you can donate year-round**


Our goal is to raise a total of $40,000 & get 100% participation.

(Please see image for your Classroom’s Goal)


Everyone who donates will be entered to win Darby swag items and special Darby Wear items.

*Donations of $100 or more will receive an additional entry to win a prize.

ALL classrooms with 100% participation will win a PIZZA PARTY!

ALL classrooms that reach their customized goal will win an ICE CREAM PARTYY!

  • What is the Darby Dolphin Drive?

    Darby Dolphin Drive is PTA’s most crucial fundraiser. Darby PTA sponsors or pays for most of the programs and services at Darby that otherwise would not be available to our students. See some of the benefits provided by PTA funding in the chart below.

    During the Darby Dolphin Drive, we ask our Darby families for financial assistance to support our school and help fund the equipment, programs and services that immensely enrich our children’s educational experience. 100% of your donation will go towards these efforts.

    Unfortunately, without your financial assistance, these programs will be lost. If we are not able to raise enough funds to support these programs and services, our students are at risk of losing valuable resources this year.

  • Why should you donate?

    Darby, along with other public schools in California, continues to face budget challenges that affect staffing, supplies and district-funded programs. Your donations will help PTA make up for the financial hardships within the state and school district.

    Why do parents need to raise funds? If we don’t, our teachers won’t have enough paper or art supplies for the year. Our kids won’t have new technology such as Chromebooks and Ipads. There will be no extra-curricular activities like assemblies, field trips, art, and class parties. The PTA will no longer be able to sponsor educational programs and social events for our students.

    It’s only through the dedication of parents like you, that we are able to offer an exceptional experience for our children.  

  • Ready to donate? Here's How..

    In order to reach our goal, we would need a donation of $100 per student for the year. Please donate whatever fits your family budget. A donation in any amount helps tremendously.

    Please donate at the link below. Share the link with your friends & family!

    While donating, please also remember that corporate matching can potentially double your contribution. Please contact your company representative for corporate matching options.

    All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

    Thank you for your contributions!

Ever wondered where your PTA donations go?

PTA provides and pays for all of the following and so much more.

School Upgrades

New Technology

(Chromebooks and iPads for every student)

Beautification Day

Campus Improvements

Safety/ Emergency Supplies



Art Night

Darby Reads

Friendship Fiesta


Ice Cream Social

Reflections Art Program

Talent Show

Welcome Back Event

Scholastic Book Fair

Spirit Days

Family Fun Nights

Teacher Support

Teacher Supplies

Classroom Supplies

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

Teacher Breakfast

Student Supplies

Field Trip Transportation

Student Planners / Agendas (3rd-5th)

Scholastic Weekly Readers

Clinic Donation

Clothing Donation


Eye Exam / Glasses
